home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
#!/usr/bin/perl ### get the name used to call this script... $0 =~ /\/(\w+)$/; $scriptName = $1; ### there can be an argument: the dvd or vcd chapter $N = $ARGV[0]; $modLog = "/tmp/modprobe.log"; $modErr = "/tmp/modprobe.err"; $cdMntLog = "/tmp/cdMount.log"; $cdMntErr = "/tmp/cdMount.err"; ######################################## ### Getting rid of the junk on the screen ############### # we don't want kernel msgs on-screen... `echo "3 4 1 7" > /proc/sys/kernel/printk`; system "clear"; ### This is needed because for some strange bug only the first two user boot args ### are actually exported as env variables loadBootParm(); readRCFile(); $shut = $RC{'shut'}; $shut = $ENV{'SHUT'} if exists $ENV{'SHUT'}; $random = $RC{'random'}; $random = $ENV{'RANDOM'} if exists $ENV{'RANDOM'}; $loop = $RC{'loop'}; $loop = $ENV{'LOOP'} if exists $ENV{'LOOP'}; $loop = 1 unless $loop =~ /^\d+$/; $eject = $RC{'eject'}; $eject = $ENV{'EJECT'} if exists $ENV{'EJECT'}; $reboot = $RC{'reboot'}; $reboot = $ENV{'REBOOT'} if exists $ENV{'REBOOT'}; $dma = $RC{'dma'}; $dma = $ENV{'DMA'} if exists $ENV{'DMA'}; $slow = $RC{'slow'}; $slow = $ENV{'SLOW'} if exists $ENV{'SLOW'}; $region = $RC{'region'}; $region = $ENV{'REGION'} if exists $ENV{'REGION'}; $dxr3 = $RC{'dxr3'}; $dxr3 = $ENV{'DXR3'} if exists $ENV{'DXR3'}; ########################################################## ### Making sure no other movix.pl process is running... ####### #my @ids; #foreach (`ps auxw`){ ## print "$_\n"; # push @ids, $1 if /^\w+\s+(\d+)\s+.+(movix.pl|mplayer)/; #} ##print "ids = @ids\n"; ##print "pr = $$"; #foreach (@ids){ # `kill -9 $_` unless $_ == $$; #>} foreach (split " ", `ls /dev/cdroms/cdrom*`){ /(\d+)$/; `mkdir -p /cdrom$1`; `mount -t supermount -o fs=iso9660:udf:vfat,dev=/dev/cdroms/cdrom$1,--,ro none /cdrom$1 >> $cdMntLog 2>> $cdMntErr` unless `grep cdrom$1 /etc/mtab` =~ /cdrom$i/; } ######################################## ### Mounting the right CD on /cdrom... ############### $dvd_device = ""; $cdrom_device = ""; `rm -f /tmp/movix.list`; cdDetect($scriptName,$N); system "echo \"The movie will start in a few seconds...\""; #sleep(2) unless $scriptName eq "dvd"; ######################################## ### Building the mplayer options ############### ######################################## ### Checking for an AGP card... ############### open(PCI,"/proc/pci"); while(<PCI>){ next unless /^\s*Bus 1/; $bus = "AGP"; last; } close PCI; $bus = "PCI" unless $bus eq "AGP"; ######################################## ### Identifying your video card ############### open(PCI,"/proc/pci"); while(<PCI>){ if( $bus eq "PCI" ){ next unless /^\s*VGA compatible controller\:/; $videoCardLine = $_; last; } else { next unless /^\s*Bus 1/; $videoCardLine = <PCI>; last; } } close(PCI); if( $videoCardLine !~ /^\s*VGA compatible controller\:/ ){ print "I can't find any video card entry in your /proc/pci file, this is extremely odd!\n"; print "Most likely the movie won't manage to start...\n"; } ####################################### ### Checking for a Dx3/H+ card... ############### open(PCI,"/proc/pci"); while(<PCI>){ next unless /^\s*Multimedia controller/; $videoCardLine = "DXR3/H+" if /REALmagic Hollywood Plus|dxr3/i and $dxr3 !~ /^n/i; last; } close PCI; ###### ## Just spotting "special" video cards for setting later special options #### $videoCard = "NVidia" if $videoCardLine =~ /geforce/i; $videoCard = "3Dfx" if $videoCardLine =~ /voodoo/i; $videoCard = "Savage" if $videoCardLine =~ /savage/i; $videoCard = "Ati" if $videoCardLine =~ /ATI Technologies/i; $videoCard = "DXR3/H+" if $videoCardLine eq "DXR3/H+"; $videoCard = "Matrox" if $videoCardLine =~ /Matrox.+ G[245][05]0/i; $videoCard = "CyberBlade" if $videoCardLine =~ /CyberBlade/i; ######################################## ### Evaluating your CPU speed ############### open(CPUINFO,"/proc/cpuinfo"); while(<CPUINFO>){ if( /^cpu MHz\s*\:\s*(\d+)/ ){ $mhz = $1; } } close CPUINFO; ################### ## We are going to compare this value with a fixed $MHZ value ## in order to enable sw accel. if the CPU is fast enough and ## the card is not natively accelerated by mplayer. ################## ### Thanks to Eivind Kjorstad for his nice suggestion about framefrop! $fMHZ = 290; ## few MHZ $vfMHZ = 200; ## very few MHZ! ######################################## ### Evaluating the best options for your video card ### The idea is: ### 1. default label - try to get the best options trying to set ### fullscreen play when it seems reasonable ### 2. vesa & FB labels - do not even try to resize the screen by hw or sw means. ### It is intended only as last hope for machines on which ### the default does not work.# ############## ## Apparently the "vesa" driver works much better *without* the "-fs" option ## so now are it makes more sense to add it when needed than taking it off! #$options = "-quiet -fs "; $options = "-quiet -framedrop "; ### -vop eq activates software brightness/contrast controls $vop = "eq"; ## apparently there are cards that do not work if we explicitly use "-ao alsa9"! #$aodriver = "alsa9"; # If the AUDIO variable is set to an integer, ALSA is explicitly selected and # set to the selected hardware if ($ENV{"AUDIO"} =~ /^\d+$/) { $aodriver = "alsa9:hw:" . $ENV{"AUDIO"} . ",0"; } ######################################## ### In case use of the "vesa" driver is forced... ############### if( $ENV{"LABEL"} eq "vesa" ){ $vodriver = "vesa"; if( $videoCardLine =~ /Radeon|Mach64| Rage |G200|G400|G450|G550|CyberBlade/i and $ENV{"ACCEL"} !~ /sw|no/ ){ $vodriver .= ":vidix"; $options .= "-fs -zoom "; } elsif( ( $mhz > $fMHZ and $ENV{"ACCEL"} ne "no" ) or $ENV{"ACCEL"} eq "sw" ) { $vop .= ",expand=800:600"; $vop .= ",scale=800:-2"; } else { # $options .= "-framedrop "; $options .= "-fs -zoom "; $options =~ s/ -framedrop / -hardframedrop / if $mhz < $vfMHZ; } ######################################## ### In case use of the "aa" driver is forced... ############### } elsif( $ENV{"LABEL"} eq "aa" ){ $vodriver = "aa"; $options .= "-aabold -aadim -aadriver linux -aafloyd_steinberg -aadimmul 1.71 -aaboldmul 1.43 -aacontrast 30 -really-quiet "; system "setfont /usr/share/kbd/consolefonts/lat1-08.psfu.gz"; # if( $ENV{'FBRES'} =~ /^(\d+)x(\d+)$/ ){ # system "fbset -xres $1 -yres $2"; # } ######################################## ### In case use of the sdl driver is forced... ############### } elsif( $ENV{"LABEL"} eq "sdl" ){ unless( -e "/dev/fb0" ){ system "echo \"No FrameBuffer device has been detected, the sdl driver can't run without it :-(\""; system "echo \"Please reboot and select a different driver\""; reboot(5); } $vodriver = "sdl"; $xSize = getFBxSize(); if( $mhz > $fMHZ ) { $vop .= ",scale=$xSize:-2"; ## Can't understand why but there is A-V sync loss even though in my PC the same options work fine ## so until I'll find a solution it is good to add a framedrop to keep audio & video on sync # $options .= "-framedrop "; } system "ln -s /dev/misc/psaux /dev/mouse"; ######################################## ### In case use of the vesa generic FrameBuffer driver is forced... ############### } elsif( $ENV{"LABEL"} eq "vesaFB" ) { $vodriver = "fbdev"; $xSize = getFBxSize(); $ySize = getFBySize(); $options .= "-geometry 50%:50% "; if( $videoCardLine =~ /Radeon|Mach64| Rage |G200|G400|G450|G550|CyberBlade/i and $ENV{"ACCEL"} !~ /sw|no/ ){ ### Warning: -fs w/fbdev driver crashes MPlayer if the video rez ### is bigger than the screen rez. ### But if we don't add "-fs" then the movie won't be resized anymore. ### Someone should fix this bug eventually... $vodriver .= ":vidix"; $options .= "-fs "; } elsif( ( $mhz > $fMHZ and $ENV{"ACCEL"} ne "no" ) or $ENV{"ACCEL"} eq "sw" ) { $vop .= ",expand=$xSize:$ySize"; $vop .= ",scale=$xSize:-2"; } else { # $options .= "-framedrop "; $options =~ s/ -framedrop / -hardframedrop / if $mhz < $vfMHZ; } ######################################## ### In case use of the FrameBuffer specific card driver is forced... ############### } elsif( $ENV{"LABEL"} eq "FB" ) { unless( -e "/dev/fb0" ){ system "echo \"No FrameBuffer device has been detected, the fbdev driver can't run without it :-(\""; system "echo \"Please reboot and select a different driver\""; system "echo \"(press F2 at the boot prompt for a complete list)\""; reboot(5); } $vodriver = "fbdev"; $vodriver = "tdfxfb" if $videoCard eq "3Dfx"; $xSize = 800; $ySize = 600; $options .= "-geometry 50%:50% "; if( $videoCardLine =~ /Radeon|Mach64| Rage |G200|G400|G450|G550|CyberBlade/i and $ENV{"ACCEL"} !~ /sw|no/ ){ ### Warning: -fs w/fbdev driver crashes MPlayer if the video rez ### is bigger than the screen rez. ### But if we don't add "-fs" then the movie won't be resized anymore. ### Someone should fix this bug eventually... $vodriver .= ":vidix"; $options .= "-fs "; } elsif( ( $mhz > $fMHZ and $ENV{"ACCEL"} ne "no" ) or $ENV{"ACCEL"} eq "sw" ) { $vop .= ",expand=$xSize:$ySize"; $vop .= ",scale=$xSize:-2"; } else { # $options .= "-framedrop "; $options =~ s/ -framedrop / -hardframedrop / if $mhz < $vfMHZ; } ## Setting the right parameters for the FB... ## btw, it's set to 16bpp since my radeon do not go higher than that :-) ## maybe a parameter may be introduce to allow users choose their own ## (or maybe a menu?) system "fbset -t 17762 152 32 27 1 64 3 -g $xSize $ySize $xSize $ySize 16 -hsync high -vsync high"; # system "fbset -depth 32 -xres $xSize -yres $ySize"; # system "fbset -depth 24 -xres 640 -yres 480"; ####################################### ### In case we need to use TV-out ### we may have to run a few utilities... ### Thanks a lot to Balazs Barany and Nico Berndt for providing the commands ### I'm using below! ################################ } elsif( $ENV{"LABEL"} eq "TV" ) { # Should the framebuffer be set to 32 colors later? # This will later be set to false if necessary. $canChangeFB = true; if ($videoCard eq "Savage") { # Trying to select the appropriated region code. if ( defined $region ) { if ( $region =~ /ntsc-j/i ) { $region = "NTSCJ"; } elsif ( $region =~ /ntsc/i ) { $region = "NTSC"; } elsif ( $region =~ /pal/i ) { $region = "PAL"; } system "s3switch tv $region >> /tmp/s3switch.log 2>> /tmp/s3switch.err"; } else { # Use the default region setting of the chip. Also, on some systems, # s3switch segfaults if any of the REGIONs is set. system "s3switch tv >> /tmp/s3switch.log 2>> /tmp/s3switch.err"; } $vodriver = "vesa"; $options .= "-fs "; } elsif( $videoCard eq "NVidia" ) { my ( $xrez, $yrez ) = ( 768, 576 ); ( $xrez, $yrez ) = ( 800, 600 ) if defined $region and $region =~ /ntsc/i; # switch into the full TV resolution, this works for PAL system "fbset -t 20203 40 0 63 29 56 4 -g $xrez $yrez $xrez $yrez 32 -bcast true -a" if $region =~ /pal/i; my $nvtv = "nvtv -r $xrez,$yrez -s Large --set flicker:25 -t"; $nvtv .= " -S $region" if defined $region; system "$nvtv"; $vodriver = "fbdev"; $vop .= ",scale=$xrez:-2"; } elsif ($videoCard eq "Matrox") { # This is model dependent. Feedback to balazs@tud.at if ($videoCardLine =~ /Matrox.+G[45]50/i ) { # G450, G550: info from http://www.bglug.ca/matrox_tvout/ # set up the output system "modprobe matroxfb_crtc2"; system "matroxset -f /dev/fb0 -m 5"; system "matroxset -f /dev/fb1 -m 2"; $fb = 'fb1'; # switch to the full TV resolution (This is PAL. NTSC, anyone?) system "fbset -fb /dev/$fb -xres 768 -yres 576 -depth 32 -upper 44 -lower 4 -vslen 1"; } elsif ($videoCardLine =~ /Matrox.+G400/i ) { # G400: info from http://www.netnode.de/howto/matrox-fb.html # loading modules takes time system "echo \"or more...\""; system "modprobe matroxfb_crtc2"; system "modprobe -s mga_vid >> $modLog 2>> $modErr"; system "modprobe -s matroxfb_maven >> $modLog 2>> $modErr"; system "modprobe -s i2c-matroxfb >> $modLog 2>> $modErr"; # set up the output system "matroxset -f /dev/fb1 -m 0"; system "matroxset -f /dev/fb0 -m 3"; $fb = 'fb1'; $vodriver = 'mga'; $options .= "-fs "; # switch into the full TV resolution, this works for PAL system "fbset -g 768 576 768 576 32 -t 20203 40 0 63 29 56 4 -bcast true"; # change contrast and saturation of G400 TV-out by setting hardware registers # hue is reg 0x25, brightness is reg 0x0e system "matrox 0x1e 0xb0 > /dev/null 2> /dev/null"; system "matrox 0x20 0xcc > /dev/null 2> /dev/null"; system "matrox 0x22 0xcc > /dev/null 2> /dev/null"; } elsif ($videoCardLine =~ /Matrox.+G200/i ) { # G200: info from http://marvel.sourceforge.net/ # set up the output system "matroxset -f /dev/fb0 -m 3"; $fb = 'fb0'; # switch to the full TV resolution (this is PAL. NTSC, anyone?) system "fbset -g 768 576 768 576 32 -t 20203 40 0 63 29 56 4 -bcast true"; } # Trying to select the appropriate region code, # "-o 1 1" is for PAL, "-o 1 2" for NTSC. if ( defined $region ) { if ( $region =~ /ntsc/i ) { # Needs testing, if someone has this plz contact Pascal Giard. $region = "2"; } elsif ( $region =~ /pal/i ) { $region = "1"; } system "matroxset -f /dev/$fb -o 1 $region"; } else { system "matroxset -f /dev/$fb -o 1 1"; } if ($videoCardLine !~ /Matrox.+G400/i ) { # The G400 can use mga, others can't, so they use the framebuffer # Output to the framebuffer where the TV is $vodriver = "fbdev"; $options .= "-fb /dev/$fb "; # Expand to the framebuffer size so the video is in the middle $vop .= ",expand=768:576"; if ( ( $mhz > $fMHZ and $ENV{"ACCEL"} ne "no" ) or $ENV{"ACCEL"} eq "sw" ) { # Scale to the PAL width and the appropriate height $vop .= ",scale=720:-2"; } } # The framebuffer has been already set up, don't change it later $canChangeFB = 0; } elsif( $videoCard eq "Ati" ) { $vodriver = "vesa:vidix"; } else { $vodriver = "vesa"; } # vesa can't change the framebuffer, other drivers sometimes can. if ($vodriver eq "vesa") { $canChangeFB = 0; } ################## ### and now for the default case... ########################################## } else { ################# ## Matrox 200/400/450/550 can take advantage ## of the special mga_vid driver! ################# if ( $videoCard eq "Matrox" ){ system "modprobe -s matroxfb_base >> $modLog 2>> $modErr"; system "modprobe -s mga_vid >> $modLog 2>> $modErr"; # system "modprobe -s i2c-matroxfb >> $modLog 2>> $modErr"; # only for TVout! # system "modprobe -s matroxfb_maven >> $modLog 2>> $modErr"; # only for TVout! if( -e "/dev/mga_vid" and -e "/dev/fb0" ){ $vodriver = "mga"; $options .= "-fs "; ## Making sure the color depth is 32bpp... system "fbset -depth 32 -xres 800 -yres 600"; } else { $vodriver = "vesa:vidix"; $options .= "-zoom "; } ################# ## Trident CyberBlade cards ################# } elsif ( $videoCard eq "CyberBlade" ) { system "modprobe -s fbgen"; my $kernelVersion = `uname -r`; chop $kernelVersion; system "insmod /lib/modules/$kernelVersion/kernel/drivers/video/epiafb.o.gz"; ### Taken from http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?thread_id=756152&forum_id=221920 system "fbset -t 17762 152 32 27 1 64 3 -g 800 600 800 600 24 -hsync high -vsync high -a"; ################# ## 3Dfx Voodoo cards have a special mplayer driver! ################# } elsif ( $videoCard eq "3Dfx" ) { $vodriver = "tdfxfb"; system "modprobe -s tdfxfb >> $modLog 2>> $modErr"; unless( -e "/dev/fb0" ){ system "echo \"No FrameBuffer device has been detected, the fbdev driver can't run without it :-(\""; system "echo \"Please reboot and select a different driver\""; system "echo \"(press F2 at the boot prompt for a complete list)\""; reboot(5); } $xSize = 800; $ySize = 600; system "fbset -g $xSize $ySize $xSize $ySize 16"; ################# ## DXR3/H+ cards have their special mplayer driver too! ################# } elsif ( $videoCard eq "DXR3/H+" ) { system "modprobe -s i2c-core >> $modLog 2>> $modErre"; system "modprobe -s adv717x swap_redblue_pal=1 pixelport_16bit=0 >> $modLog 2>> $modErr"; system "modprobe -s bt865 >> $modLog 2>> $modErr"; system "modprobe -s em8300 bt865_ucode_timeout=1 >> $modLog 2>> $modErr"; system "em8300setup"; $vodriver = "dxr3:prebuf:sync:/dev/em8300_mv-0"; $aodriver = "oss:/dev/em8300_ma-0"; $options .= "-vc mpegpes "; ################# ## Unless you have a 3Dfx, a Matrox or a Dxr3/H+, you end up using the fbdev or vesa ## driver depending on the CPU speed and video card model ## with or without the "vidix" driver depending on the mplayer support for you card ################# } else { if( -e "/dev/fb0" and ( $mhz > $fMHZ or $videoCardLine =~ /Radeon|Mach64| Rage |G200|G400|G450|G550|CyberBlade/i ) ){ $vodriver = "fbdev"; $xSize = getFBxSize(); $ySize = getFBySize(); $options .= "-geometry 50%:50% "; if( $videoCardLine =~ /Radeon|Mach64| Rage |G200|G400|G450|G550|CyberBlade/i and $ENV{"ACCEL"} !~ /sw|no/ ){ ### Warning: -fs w/fbdev driver crashes MPlayer if the video rez ### is bigger than the screen rez. ### But if we don't add "-fs" then the movie won't be resized anymore. ### Someone should fix this bug eventually... $vodriver .= ":vidix"; $options .= "-fs "; } elsif( ( $mhz > $fMHZ and $ENV{"ACCEL"} ne "no" ) or $ENV{"ACCEL"} eq "sw" ) { $vop .= ",expand=$xSize:$ySize"; $vop .= ",scale=$xSize:-2"; } else { # $options .= "-framedrop "; $options =~ s/ -framedrop / -hardframedrop / if $mhz < $vfMHZ; } ### Unfortunately there are cards that do not support the vesaFB... } else { $vodriver = "vesa"; if( $videoCardLine =~ /Radeon|Mach64| Rage |G200|G400|G450|G550|CyberBlade/i and $ENV{"ACCEL"} !~ /sw|no/ ){ $vodriver .= ":vidix"; $options .= "-fs -zoom "; } elsif( ( $mhz > $fMHZ and $ENV{"ACCEL"} ne "no" ) or $ENV{"ACCEL"} eq "sw" ) { $vop .= ",expand=800:600"; $vop .= ",scale=800:-2"; } else { # $options .= "-framedrop "; $options =~ s/ \-framedrop / \-hardframedrop / if $mhz < $vfMHZ; $options .= "-fs -zoom "; } } } } ################### ### Let the user override the automatic vo driver selection ########### $vodriver = $ENV{"VO_DRIVER"} if defined $ENV{"VO_DRIVER"}; ### If we're using 'vesa' then we can add the 'Aspect' functions ### to the MPlayer menu if( $vodriver =~ /^vesa/ ){ $menu = `cat /root/.mplayer/menu.conf`; $menu .= " <cmdlist name=\"aspect\" title=\"Aspect\" ptr=\"<>\" > <e name=\"Original\" ok=\"switch_ratio -1\"/> <e name=\"4:3\" ok=\"switch_ratio 1.33333\"/> <e name=\"16:9\" ok=\"switch_ratio 1.77778\"/> <e name=\"Cinemascope\" ok=\"switch_ratio 2.35\"/> </cmdlist> "; $menu =~ s/(<e name=\"Stop\" ok=\"quit\"\/>)/$1\n <e name=\"Aspect ...\" ok=\"set_menu aspect\"\/>/; open MENU, "> /root/.mplayer/menu.conf"; print MENU $menu; close MENU; } ################ ### Adding CD cache option and other optimizations, from a suggestion by Jose' Fandinho ################# `free` =~ /Mem:\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+(\d+)/; $cache = $1 > 12000 ? 8192 : 1024; $options .= "-cache $cache -autoq 6 "; $vop .= ",pp=lb:a"; # interesting settings appeared on the MPlayer ML # on the other side, it seems video quality gets poorer with all this stuff! #$vop .= ",pp=hb:128:20:a/vb:128:20:a/dr:a/al:a/lb:a"; ################ ### Other sparse options: ### -double is needed to avoid subtitles blinking ### -idx forces the reconstruction of the index for broken avi files ### -menu activates the nice mplayer menu feature ### -nooverlapsub turns off an annoying new mplayer subtitles feature ### [hw ones are available only for a few drivers] ################# $options .= "-idx -menu -nooverlapsub "; ### -double crashes mplayer with some video card, ### so better to leave users add it in case is really necessary $options .= "-double " unless $ENV{"LABEL"} eq "sdl"; ## $options .= "-loop $loop " if $loop =~ /^\d+$/; $options .= "-shuffle " if $random eq "y"; ### This is needed to avoid vesa to die when trying to use vesa:vidix together ### with the mpeg12 filter - many thanks to A.V.Kuznetsov for this hint! $options .= "-vc ffmpeg12, " if $vodriver =~ /^vesa/; ## Now we can add our vop options $options .= "-vop $vop "; ################### ### Let the user add mplayer options at will ### WARNING: eventually we shoud check somehow that no new vop option ### is added or it will override our ones! ########### $options .= " $ENV{'MP_OPTIONS'} " if defined $ENV{'MP_OPTIONS'}; ################### ### Let's finally modify the options according to the .movixrc file ########### $options .= $RC{"extra-mplayer-options"}." " if exists $RC{"extra-mplayer-options"}; if( exists $RC{"unwanted-mplayer-options"} ){ $RC{"unwanted-mplayer-options"} =~ s/\s+/ /g; $RC{"unwanted-mplayer-options"} =~ s/^\s+//; $RC{"unwanted-mplayer-options"} =~ s/\s+$//; @options = split " ", $RC{"unwanted-mplayer-options"}; foreach $option (@options){ $options =~ s/$option / /; } } #######################################3 #### Playing all files in /cdrom... ############## $mplayer = "/usr/local/bin/mplayer"; $mDir = "/cdrom/"; $log = "/tmp/mplayer.log"; $err = "/tmp/mplayer.err"; ################################################## ### Playing the items in the list ################################################## $mplayerArgs = "-vo $vodriver "; $mplayerArgs .= "-ao $aodriver " if $aodriver ne ""; $mplayerArgs .= "$options "; if ( -e "/tmp/movix.music.avi" ) { $mplayerArgs .= "-bgvideo /tmp/movix.music.avi "; } ###################################################### ### Saving the options for the end of the playback #################### $mplayerOptions = $mplayerArgs; ################################################## ### Creating the MPlayer play options depending ### whether we are trying to play an eMoviX CD ### or a ACD/VCD/DVD/MCD ################### $mplayerArgs .= mplayerPlayOption($scriptName); # if we just wanted to get a playlist, we're done exit if $scriptName =~ /list/; ### we want a log except for the "aa" case, because in ### that case only the movie is shown as STDIN of mplayer!!! $mplayerArgs .= " >> $log" unless $ENV{"LABEL"} eq "aa" or $scriptName eq "mcd"; $mplayerArgs .= " 2>> $err"; system "echo \"Running $mplayer $mplayerArgs\" >> $log"; ################# ## this is to avoid a blanking cursor that appears with some card under the vesa vo driver ########################### system "setterm -cursor off" unless $ENV{"LABEL"} eq "aa"; # Time to turn off the bootsplash system "echo verbose > /proc/splash"; ############# ### Finally we can run mplayer! ########################################## my $i = $loop; while( $loop == 0 or $i-- > 0 ){ `echo "off" > /proc/splash` if -e "/dev/fb/0" and `cat /proc/fb` =~ /VESA/; system "clear ; $mplayer $mplayerArgs; echo \$? > /tmp/mplayer.exitcode"; `echo "on" > /proc/splash` if -e "/dev/fb/0" and `cat /proc/fb` =~ /VESA/; } ### Eject the CD if asked to #$getridof = $eject eq "y" ? "eject" : "umount"; `ls -l /cdrom` =~ /cdrom(\d)/; $cdDev = "/dev/cdroms/cdrom$1"; $cdDev = $1 if $mplayerArgs =~ /(?:-dvd-device|-cdrom-device) ([\S]+) /; system "echo \"$getridof $cdDev\" >> $cdMntLog 2>> $cdMntErr"; system "eject $cdDev" if $eject =~ /y/i; clearInfoSub(); if( $shut eq "y" ){ system "echo \"The system will shut down in 5 seconds!\""; for( my $i=0; $i < 5; $i++ ){ sleep(1); system "echo -n \".\""; } system "poweroff"; } elsif( $reboot eq "y" ) { system "echo \"The system will reboot in 5 seconds!\""; for( my $i=0; $i < 5; $i++ ){ sleep(1); system "echo -n \".\""; } system "brc"; } else { # 166 is the "halt" exit code of mplayer while(`cat /tmp/mplayer.exitcode` !~ /166/ ){ `clear`; `echo "off" > /proc/splash` if -e "/dev/fb/0" and `cat /proc/fb` =~ /VESA/; # With AsciiArt output, we can't really use the menu last if $ENV{"LABEL"} eq "aa"; # Start the menu again `$mplayer $mplayerOptions -menu-disp /tmp/movix.music.avi -loop 0 \\ >> $log 2>> $err ; \\ echo \$? > /tmp/mplayer.exitcode`; `echo "on" > /proc/splash` if -e "/dev/fb/0" and `cat /proc/fb` =~ /VESA/; } ############## ## turning the cursor back on ############ system "setterm -cursor on"; print "\n\nEnd of the show...\n"; print "\nHave a nice day :-)\n"; } ################################################### ######################################### ######################## sub loadBootParm { my @pairs = split " ", `cat /proc/cmdline`; foreach my $pair (@pairs) { next unless $pair =~ /^([^\=]+)\=(.+)$/; $ENV{$1} = $2; } } sub readRCFile { return unless -e "/root/.movixrc"; open RC, "/root/.movixrc"; while(<RC>){ next if /^\#/ or /^\s*$/; next unless /^([^=]+)=(.+)$/; $RC{$1}=$2; } close RC; } sub reboot { my $sec = shift; $sec = 5 unless $sec =~ /^\d+$/; system "echo \"The system will reboot in $sec seconds!\""; for( my $i=0; $i < $sec; $i++ ){ sleep(1); system "echo -n \".\""; } system "brc"; } sub getFBxSize { my $xSize; open FBINFO, "fbset |"; while(<FBINFO>){ # print "$_"; if( /^mode\s+\"(\d+)x\d+/ ){ $xSize = $1; last; } } close FBINFO; return $xSize; } sub getFBySize { my $ySize; open FBINFO, "fbset |"; while(<FBINFO>){ # print "$_"; if( /^mode\s+\"\d+x(\d+)/ ){ $ySize = $1; last; } } close FBINFO; return $ySize; } sub cdDetect { my $sn = shift; my $N = shift; print "Looking for your cd...\n"; foreach my $cdDev (split " ", `ls /dev/cdroms/cdrom*`){ if( $sn eq "dvd" ){ my $n = $N > 0 ? $N : 1; $id = `mplayer -identify -dvd-device $cdDev dvd://$n 2> /dev/null`; if($id =~ /DVD successfully opened/){ print "DVD found in $cdDev!\n"; $dvd_device = $cdDev; last; } } elsif( $sn eq "vcd" ) { $id = `mplayer -identify -cdrom-device $cdDev vcd://$N 2> /dev/null`; if($id =~ /MPEG-PS file format detected/){ print "VCD found in $cdDev!\n"; $cdrom_device = $cdDev; last; } } elsif( $sn eq "acd" ) { $id = `mplayer -identify -cdrom-device $cdDev cdda:// 2> /dev/null`; if($id =~ /Found Audio CD/){ print "AudioCD found in $cdDev!\n"; $cdrom_device = $cdDev; last; } } else { $cdDev =~ /cdrom(\d+)$/; $i = $1; next if defined $N and $N != $i; system "rm -f /cdrom ; ln -s /cdrom$i /cdrom"; # $cdrom = "/cdrom$i"; $movixCheckFile = "/cdrom$i/isolinux/movix.lss"; # system "cd /; umount /cdrom" if `grep cdrom /etc/mtab`; #system "mount $cdDev /cdrom -t iso9660 >> $cdMntLog 2>> $cdMntErr"; if( -e $movixCheckFile and $sn ne "mcd" ){ print "Found eMoviX cd on $cdDev!\n"; ### Setting hw parameters of the CD device: ### dma on, read-ahead set to 8 sectors (4k), irq unmasking on, mode set to udma2 system "hdparm -d1 -a8 -u1 -X34 $cdDev >> $cdMntLog 2>> $cdMntErr" unless $dma =~ /^[nN]/; ### Decreasing the CD-ROMs speed to reduce the noise unless negated at boot time system "eject -x 12 $cdDev" unless $slow =~ /^[nN]/; ### Copy the right set of fonts from the MoviX cd... print "Setting up your fonts...\n"; `rm -f /tmp/subfont.ttf /tmp/font/* /root/.mplayer/subfont.ttf /root/.mplayer/font`; if( -e "/cdrom/mplayer/font" ){ `cp -a /cdrom/mplayer/font/ /tmp/`; `ln -s /tmp/font/ /root/.mplayer/`; } else { `cp -a /cdrom/mplayer/subfont.ttf /tmp/`; `ln -s /tmp/subfont.ttf /root/.mplayer/`; } if( `ls /usr/local/mplayer/share/mplayer/font/*.gz 2>/dev/null` ){ # unpack fonts if they are gzipped system "for gz in /usr/local/mplayer/share/mplayer/font/*.gz; do chmod 644 \$gz gunzip \$gz 2>/dev/null done"; } #Search for audio files and create subtitles for them getAudioFiles("/cdrom/"); last; } else { # No Movix system found - look for media files in the root dir of the CD my @files; foreach (("[aA][vV][iI]","[mM][oO][vV]","[mM][pP][gG]","[mM][pP][eE][gG]","[aA][sS][fF]","[wW][mM][vV]","[mM][pP]3","[oO][gG][gG]")){ push @files, `find /cdrom/ -name \"*.$_\"`; last if @files > 0; } # No media files on the CD - unmount it if (@files == 0) { #system "umount /cdrom >> $cdMntLog 2>> $cdMntErr"; } else { print "Found media files on $cdDev!\n"; `eject -x 12 $cdDev` unless $slow =~ /^[nN]/; #Search for audio files and create subtitles for them getAudioFiles("/cdrom/"); last; } } } } closedir(CD); if( !-e $movixCheckFile and @files == 0 and $dvd_device eq "" and $cdrom-device eq "" ){ print "Could not find your eMoviX-CD/ACD/VCD/DVD!\nMaybe you are using a USB cd or something stranger:\nunfortunately MoviX until now supports only IDE or SCSI drives, but of course it would be very nice if you'd write a patch and send it to the author that would happily add it to next release :-)\n"; } } sub mplayerPlayOption { my $sn = shift; my @audioTracks; my %audioTracks; my $at; my @subsTracks; my %subsTracks; my $st; my $title; if( $sn eq "dvd" ){ my $dvd_opts = "-dvd-device $dvd_device "; ### if no track no has been given, play the longest track if( ! ($N > 0 ) ){ @tracks = split "\n", `lsdvd $dvd_device 2> /dev/null`; $N = 0; $l1 = 0; foreach (@tracks){ /Title\: 0?(\d+), Length\: (\d+)\:(\d+)\:(\d+)/; $l2 = $2*3600+$3*60+$4; if( $l2 > $l1 ){ $N = $1; $l1 = $l2; } } } foreach my $line (split "\n", `lsdvd -a -s -t $N $dvd_device 2> /dev/null` ){ $line =~ s/^\s*//; $title = $1 if $line =~ /^Disc Title\: (.+)$/; push @audioTracks, $line if $line =~ /^Audio/; push @subsTracks, $line if $line =~ /^Subti/; } print "\nDisc Title: $title" unless $title =~ /^\s*$/; unless (@audioTracks == 1){ print "\nThere are multiple audio tracks on this DVD:\n\n"; foreach (@audioTracks){ /Audio\: 0?(\d+), Language\: (\w+) /; $audioTracks{$1} = $2; print "$_\n"; } print "\nSelect the one you want and press ENTER: "; $at = <STDIN>; chop $at; } $dvd_opts .= "-alang $audioTracks{$at} " if defined $audioTracks{$at}; unless (@subsTracks == 0){ print "\nYou can choose among the following subtitles sets:\n\n"; foreach (@subsTracks){ /Subtitle\: 0?(\d+), Language\: (\w+) /; print "$_\n"; $subsTracks{$1} = $2; } print "\nSelect the subtitles you want and press ENTER (0 = no subtitles): "; $st = <STDIN>; chop $st; } $dvd_opts .= "-slang $subsTracks{$st} " if defined $subsTracks{$st}; `eject -x 12 $dvd_device` unless $slow =~ /^[nN]/; $dvd_opts .= " dvd://$N "; return $dvd_opts; } elsif ($sn eq "vcd" ){ `eject -x 12 $cdrom_device` unless $slow =~ /^[nN]/; return "-cdrom-device $cdrom_device vcd://$N "; } elsif ($sn eq "acd" ){ `eject -x 12 $cdrom_device` unless $slow =~ /^[nN]/; return "-cdrom-device $cdrom_device cdda:// "; } elsif ($sn eq "mcd" ){ # mp3 cd patch from Jochen Puchalla <mail@puchalla-online.de> system "find $mDir -name '*.mp3' > /tmp/playlist"; system "find $mDir -name '*.MP3' >> /tmp/playlist"; system "find $mDir -name '*.ogg' >> /tmp/playlist"; system "find $mDir -name '*.OGG' >> /tmp/playlist"; system "find $mDir -name '*.wav' >> /tmp/playlist"; system "find $mDir -name '*.WAV' >> /tmp/playlist"; system "sort /tmp/playlist > /movix.list"; return "-playlist /movix.list "; } else { ################################################## ### Creating the list of all files to play ### in case no default list [i.e. named movix.*] is found ################## $playlist = undef; if( defined $ENV{"LIST"} and -e "$mDir$ENV{LIST}" ){ $playlist = $mDir.$ENV{"LIST"}; } elsif( -e "$mDir/movix.asx" ){ $playlist = "$mDir/movix.asx"; } elsif ( -e "$mDir/movix.txt" ) { $playlist = "$mDir/movix.txt"; } elsif ( -e "$mDir/movix.list" ) { $playlist = "$mDir/movix.list"; } elsif ( -e "$mDir/movix.m3u" ) { $playlist = "$mDir/movix.m3u"; } if( ! defined $playlist ) { my @files; foreach (("[aA][vV][iI]","[mM][pP][gG]","[mM][oO][vV]","[mM][pP][eE][gG]","[aA][sS][fF]","[wW][mM][vV]","[mM][pP]3","[oO][gG][gG]","[oO][gG][mM]")){ push @files, split "\n", `find /cdrom/ -name \"*.$_\"`; } my $list = ""; foreach (sort @files){ $list .= "$_\n" unless /movix.music.avi/; } `echo \"$list\" > /movix.list`; $playlist = "/movix.list"; } return "-playlist $playlist "; } } # Create subtitles for audio files sub createInfoSub { my $file = shift; # chop $file; $file =~ /\/([^\/]+)\.(mp3|ogg|wav)$/i; #print STDERR "++++++++++ file = $file, r = $1\n"; open INFO, "> /root/.mplayer/sub/$1.sub"; print INFO "[SUBTITLE]\n00:00:00.00,10:00:00.00\n"; print INFO "File: $file [br] [br]"; my $getInfoCmd = mediaInfoProg($file); my $i=0; foreach ( split "\n", `$getInfoCmd` ){ print INFO "Title: $3"."[br]" and $i++ if /^\s+([Tt]itle(: |=)(.+))$/; print INFO "Artist: $3"."[br]" and $i++ if /^\s+([Aa]rtist(: |=)(.+))$/; print INFO "Album: $3"."[br]" and $i++ if /^\s+([Aa]lbum(: |=)(.+))$/; print INFO "Playback length: $3"."[br]" and $i++ if /^\s+(Playback length(: |=)(.+))$/; print INFO "Date: $3"."[br]" and $i++ if /^\s+((Year: |date=)(.+))$/; print INFO "Genre: $3"."[br]" and $i++ if /^\s+([Gg]enre(: |=)(.+))$/; } print INFO " [br]" if $i > 0; print INFO "\n"; close INFO; } # Delete auto-created subtitles sub clearInfoSub { `rm -f /root/.mplayer/sub/*.sub`; } # Decides on the right command for getting info on media files sub mediaInfoProg { my $file = shift; if ( $file =~ /\.ogg$/i ) { return("/usr/bin/ogginfo \"$file\""); } else { return("/usr/bin/mplayer -identify \"$file\" 2>/dev/null"); } } # Stolen from movix 0.8.1pre3 movix.pl - go over the list of files and # create info files for them sub getAudioFiles { my $partition = shift; #print STDERR "partition = $partition\n"; my @list; my $mntPoint = $partition; push @list, `find \"$mntPoint\" -name \"*.[mM][pP]3\"`; push @list, `find \"$mntPoint\" -name \"*.[oO][gG][gG]\"`; push @list, `find \"$mntPoint\" -name \"*.[wW][aA][vV]\"`; foreach (@list){ s/^\s*//; chop; createInfoSub($_); } return sort @list; }